• Junior Computer Science student @ Colorado State University.

  • Secretary of Phi Delta Theta.

  • Interested in pursuing a career in the cybersecurity and networking field.

Declan McLaughlin

About Me

My journey into coding began in middle school when I stumbled upon an HTML/CSS book, leading to the creation of my first website for my parkour YouTube channel. After a brief period away from the keyboard, my Principles of Engineering class in high school reintroduced me to programming with a language called RobotC. I found I had a knack for it and enjoyed learning how to use it. In February 2020, I watched a freecodecamp Python tutorial just in time for COVID where I would spend countless hours learning.

Since then, I've been primarily working with Python and Java, also gaining experience in C, C++, R, and Matlab. I enjoy problem-solving and learning new languages, particularly when collaborating on group projects.

The intricacies of computer networks captured my interest during the Computer Systems Foundations course, notably showcased through the development of a TCP-based chatroom. I have since then created several projects using TCP/IP connections to build off of this base knowledge.

In my role as the secretary of my fraternity, Phi Delta Theta's executive board, I handle attendance, meeting minutes, and chapter-wide communications, emphasizing my organizational, communicational, and logistical skills.

Beyond academics, I enjoy mountain biking and rock climbing. I've spent the past two summers as a mountain bike guide in Sequoia/Kings Canyon National Park. This experience has provided an amazing opportunity for me to experience the outdoors as well as grow as a leader and communicator.


This Python project uses the Twitter API to post photos and text from a Raspberry Pi. When the webcam on the laptop detects a face using openCV, it records a video. Once the face stops being detected, the laptop sends a frame from the middle of the video to the pi over a TCP connection. From there, the Pi posts the image with a timestamp to a private Twitter account where you can then get a notification on your phone.

Using BeautifulSoup4 in Python, this program scrapes coingecko.com for the top 100 cryptocurrencies. The user defines the total number of scrapes and time in between and the program will store all of this information in a dictionary format CSV file once execution completes.


Phone: (314) 800-7373 LinkedIn: Declan-McLaughlin
Email: decjmclaughlin@gmail.com Resume: McLaughlin_Resume